Saturday, July 10, 2021

STOP saying "it gets better"

I have often been told "it gets better". For the love of everything, STOP telling people "it gets better". News flash, it doesn't!! 

When you break your arm, it gets better. When you have a headache, it gets better. When you lose someone you love, it doesn't get better. 

8 year ago I could look at a picture of my mother without crying. Two days ago I saw a picture of her, and sat in the bathroom and cried for 15 minutes. My daughter couldn't figure out my momma had water coming from her eyes. She kept asking "Bambaid, momma?", as she wiped tears from my face. 

8 years ago I could have a conversation with you about my mom without crying. Today, I have to hold back tears. You can go ahead and count on a good 5 minute crying session. About a week after my mom passed, I had a very vivid dream. So vivid I woke up crying, sobbing. Crying so hard I woke up my sister. She asked me what was wrong. It took me forever to calm down to tell her.

Sure, you don't cry as often, but the void in your heart just grows, missing them becomes greater. Stop giving people false hope by telling them "it gets better".